Thursday, November 21, 2013

Thinking Outside of The Stock Box: An Alternative Perspective

Thinking Outside of The Stock Box: An Alternative Perspective
By Erick B Carlson

The world of numbers and money is an inherently logical, black and white world. However, we live in an age where the days of black and white ruling effectively in the modern world are quickly fading. The world is shifting over to the once dreaded "gray area" and creativity and ingenuity are becoming to new black and white in many ways. That said, why not ride the wave of change in your stock trading world? Getting outside of the box to build a new perspective is imperative in times such as these. Here is one alternative perspective.

Stock trading is a mental sport

Stock trading is a lot like a sport in that nobody has ever won a championship (Or been a stock market king) by never taking risks. However, no person has conquered the stock market by taking wonton, uncalculated risked. The same can also be said of championship athletes and teams. Understanding the terrain on which the "game" is being played and the nuances will help to assess risks and potential awards of different levels. At some point you have to take your shot, but keep in mind that luck is merely when opportunity meets preparation.

It's all in the execution

Execution and adherence to a sound game plan is key to success in both realms. Once you have an effective plan that is built around your strengths (whether individual or organizational) stick to it. It may not always be pretty or work the way you foresaw, but If a team built to run the football abandons the run are they going to see much success? History will prove that "no" is the answer exponentially more often than the rare "yes" in that scenario. It may seem like a shallow or trivial relation, but stocks and sports are both HUGE money generators. With money changing hands at such a high rate and certain people raking in huge profits, it is inevitable that there will be strategies in place, financial and otherwise, to maximize the money making opportunities in both worlds i.e. "game plans." Some stock market moves fall flat, just like some teams fall flat on game day. Going "undefeated" is very rare in the professional world. Everyone takes a loss at some point, the timing of the loss and how you bounce back is what is most vital. Don't lose faith too quickly. That said, if you realize you have a losing game plan, the drawing board is right where you left it.

It goes beyond you

Make sure your "team" is full of players that are a good fit for what you want to do. Personnel compromises, both in business and sports, are something that I don't see championship teams and the leaders of the business world make. You need people who are capable of executing your philosophies and plans because of their aptitude, willingness, and ability to dynamically function as part of a unit. One mind can be amazingly powerful and effective, but a meeting of several like minds can move mountains, even the planet in this day and age.

Don't be afraid to focus your eyes on the top, just be aware of the steps you need to take along the path heading up there and don't get ahead of yourself. Stay aware of the competition, but at the end of the day you should be focused on being your best self, day in and day out. If you feel that you are building something strong and transcending, try viewing yourself as your competition that you need to be better than each day. If you try to be better today than you were yesterday, EVERY DAY, then your climb up the ranks is an inevitable reality. I just hope that you aren't afraid of heights. Happy trading!

Erick Carlson is a contributor to the only website that offers day trading software, education, and 1 on 1 dedicated stock trading training, all in one. Visit the site: How To Trade Stocks Online.

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